Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Backlit Tree

This is my favorite painting among them all! I decided to make a backlit painting, which is quite rare in the painting world. The light source comes from the top right corner, as you can tell by the break in the tree. The birds are also lighter up there. Of course these birds are supposed to look like leaves from a distance. The tree was created by ripping up a piece of paper and placing it on the painted canvas, then filling in the cracks with a dark purple/black color. It is for sale for $400 (16x16)

Blue Sky Butterflies (for sale)

This painting is meant to remind you of those dandilions. The ones with the white fluffies. But instead of flowers it is butterflies resting on the tips of grass. I like this one a lot because it is relaxing and calm. I took the photo of this butterfly on my way to church one morning as he was resting on a yellow dandilion. It is for sale for $300 (18x18).

Fire Fish (for sale)

This painting is based on a photo I took from above of fish swimming in water. I altered the photo of the fish and made them bigger. Then I painted the dark background similar to the photo. Once I placed the fish photo transfers on the painting, I wanted to recreate the water that didn't show in the photograph. I layered lots of gloss on this painting and made it look streaky to create the movement of the water. It is for sale for $250 (18x18).

Screaming at the Sun (for sale)

This painting was the first one I did where I incorporated my photos into my paintings. I pretty much got hooked on this technique right after. I like how it mixes the fake with the real. This is a Hawaii inspired painting. I took the pictures of the red bird in Hawaii as well as the building. It is $350 (14x18)

Monday, June 7, 2010

Stormy Ships (for sale)

This painting is for sale for $200 (16x20). It will be on sale at the Art Walk, on display in the North Shore Credit Union in Whistler villiage. It is a reversible painting. You get to decide which way to hang it! I took this photo of the boat and printed it on canvas before attaching it to my storm setting.

Animals that I have recently seen

Here are some photos I took of animals in a backyard. I found a rooster on the fence, an anteater in the grass, and a squirrel up in the tree. It took lots of skill to capture them, since animals like to move really fast.

Sad Flowers

These are the saddest flowers I have ever seen. (I altered this photo to make them even sadder)

Sometimes art school makes you paint on paper. Here are a couple of my favorite paintings on paper that I wish were on canvas.

Then again, it may be the effect that is produced on paper that is what I like. I might just have to throw some frames on these guys.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

These Tulips are on Fire!

My friends Felicia and Richard got married on May Long weekend! I made them a painting as a wedding gift. I like using bright colors in my paintings. This one was no exception. You can't tell from the pictures, but there are probably at least 10 layers of paint here. There is also a ton of gesso on the underlayer to create texture and design. When I started this painting, I wasn't sure where I was going to go with it. I was really into the firey colors that you see here. It suddenly occured to me as I was thinking about this painting that I had a photo I had taken that would fit this painting perfectly. It was a photo of tulips with the same color scheme. I attached the photo and was very happy with the result. Richard and Felicia, I hope you like it!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lilies for Cyndi

Cyndi Style - Finished Product

Once I had the words from the old books, inside jokes, and the face of David Hasselhof stuck to the canvas, I just needed to paint the lilies and textured flower.

You probably can't read the words from here. Well, maybe if you double click on the photo you can. I chose an old fairy tale called, "The Chinese Red Riding Hood." I also placed some Rumi poetry on this painting. I will leave the inside jokes for the intended inside recipient. Happy Birthday Cyndi!! I hope you like it!

Cyndi Style

My friend Cyndi recently turned 30! I decided I would make her a painting for her birthday, since she loves my work. I really can't go wrong here. If I smeared paint on anything, she would adore it. I asked her what she would like on it. She gave me a pretty solid list: writing from an old book, inside jokes, a picture of David Hasselhof, lilies (kinda monet style but modern), a textured flower. Since I have never commisioned work, I thought it would be a fun idea.

I glossed over these photocopies of inside jokes and old books and painted a background. Once the gloss dried, I wet it and rubbed away the paper pulp to make a clear film. Then I stuck them onto the painting.